Every weekday morning at 7:40, Laura Daniels tries to stump you with random trivia for great prizes!
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When it comes to their child, 9% of moms regret this decision.
The name they chose
Recent Questions
Q: Nearly 20% of us believe this will happen to us in our lifetime. What is it?
A: Win the lottery
Q: One out of ten of us have this under our bed.
A: A dirty dish
Q: 30% of kids say they’re embarrassed when their parents do this.
A: Dance
Q: 21% of us have never done this summer activity.
A: Gone camping
Q: A whopping 52% of drivers say they don’t know how to do this.
A: Change their windshield wipers
Q: Almost 25% of us say we’d like to change this about our vehicle.
A: Size of the gas tank
Q: 56% of people would never buy this used. What is it?
A: A backpack
Q: The average person learns to do this at age 8. What is it?
A: Swim
Q: Most of us have one of these, but 3.5% of us have two. What is it?
A: Middle name
Q: 56% of dog owners agree on this.
A: It’s ok for them to lick your face
Q: 46% of people who live together disagree about how to do this.
A: Fold towels
Q: 80% of children say they’ve lied about this to their parents.
A: Brushing their teeth
Q: Nearly 70% of us say this makes our job better.
A: Music at the office (That’s why Classic Hits 104.1 goes so well with your workday!)
Q: 44% of executives said it’s ok to do this at work from time to time.
A: Cry
Q: Doing this in total silence every day slows your heart rate and lowers your stress.
A: Eating breakfast
Q: You might think this is ok at work but 4 out of 5 of your coworkers say it’s NOT!
A: Trimming your fingernails
Q: It takes twice as long to do this on Mondays compared to any other day of the week.
A: Decide what to have for dinner
Q: Close to 1/3 of us say we buy this from the grocery store at least once a week.
A: Frozen dinner
Q: 57% of parents surveyed say they only let their kids do this while on vacation.
A: Watch scary movies
Q: The average American usually finishes doing this by the end of July.
A: Pay off holiday debt
Q: Nearly 40% of people surveyed say they did THIS in their first apartment.
A: Set off the smoke detector
Q: 10% of families surveyed say they NEVER do this at home.
A: Save leftovers
Q: The average American can remember THIS better than any line from a book.
A: A Facebook post
Q: Each year, 85,000 people are treated in the ER for injurie related to this.
A: Mowing the lawn
Q: 92% of us throw these away without ever using them.
A: Instructions
Q: A recent survey found 20% of us refuse to share our recipe for this.
A: Chili
Q: 12% of parents have done this for kids’ school supplies.
A: Stolen from the office
Q: Each week, men spend about 42 minutes longer than women doing this.
A: Eating
Q: This is the most searched thing on Google, with 1.3 billion searches every month.
A: YouTube
Q: 5% of us that have one of these in our homes never use it.
A: A dishwasher!
Q: This is the number 1 thing that puts people in a better mood.
A: Finding money
Q: 12% of people who have this in their homes don’t know where it is.
A: Fire extinguisher
Q: About 30% of us have 4 of these, but only use 2 of them most of the time.
A: Email addresses
Q: About 4% of us have never heard of this popular entertainment brand.
A: Netflix
Q: 2012 was the first year more women than men did this.
A: Get tattoos
Q: The average guy doesn’t learn how to use THIS until he’s 24.
A: Washing machine
Q: 73% of Americans say they would never want THIS job
A: US President
Q: 16% of people have gotten one of these without telling their partner. What is it?
A: A credit card
Q: 10% of us have at least one of these in our car right now.
A: A French fry!
Q: According to a 2022 Ipsos poll, THIS is now the most popular sport played by Americans
A: Cornhole
Q: The average American says these two words out loud about three times today.
A: “I’m tired.”
Q: These are the #1 things in our home that we say we have too many of.
A: Hangers
Q: The average person gets 17 of these a year.
A: Bug bites
Q: A survey shows this is the #1 thing in our homes that doesn’t work.
A: Ice maker in the freezer
Q: A new study found that 42% of people sleep better if they do this often.
A: Garden!
Q: In a survey that asked adults what they miss most about being a kid, this was the #1 answer.
A: Not having to pay for anything
Q: The average person will go through over 150 of these in their lifetime.
A: Toothbrushes
Q: In a recent survey, 59% of people WITHOUT one of these said they THOUGHT they had one.
A: A 401k
Q: A poll of 2,000 Americans found 42% think this chore counts as exercise?
A: Bringing the groceries in
Q: A poll found this is the #1 thing people do at a hotel but not at home?
A: Wear a robe and slippers
Q: 92% of us have at least one kind of this in our fridge right now.
A: Cheese
Q: 54% of men admit they do this in the kitchen when no one’s around.
A: Drink something straight from the container
Q: 63% of dads say this is their go-to tool for a quick repair.
A: Duct tape
Q: One out of four of us would change this about ourselves if we could.
A: Eye color
Q: About 53% of us had one of these of our own while growing up.
A: Bedroom
Q: A recent poll shows 14% of us think people say this too much…but 46% of us think people don’t say it enough.
A: Sorry
Q: Canada has more of these than any other country in the world.
A: Lakes
Q: Most people assume it’s something only women do, but 39% of men also hang onto this.
A: Clothes that don’t fit (hoping they’ll lose weight to fit into again!)
Q: A survey found that this causes people to panic about 3 times a month.
A: Having nothing to wear
Q: 73% of families say this is the number one way to keep kids happy during a road trip.
A: Snacks!
Q: 75% of us say we always do this right before leaving for vacation.
A: Clean the house
Q: This is the world’s best-selling musical instrument.
A: Harmonica
Q: Because of the rise in price, 78% of us now consider THIS a luxury.
A: Fast food
Q: Three out of four of us have one of these, but about half of them don’t even work.
A: A flashlight
Q: 16% of us say we take more photos of this person than any other person.
A: Ourselves!
Q: One in four of us say THIS is more stressful than landing a plane in an emergency.
A: Moving
Q: Seven out of ten of us say you should disclose THIS in your dating profile right away.
A: If you have pets
Q: In a recent poll, 43% of us say we’ve never gotten this back after loaning it to a friend or family member.
A: Money
Q: 51% of us say we want this to happen while we get a haircut.
A: Small talk / chit chat
Q: On average, we eat 36% more calories than normal when visiting this place.
A: Movie theater
Q: Research shows that given the chance to either join a group doing this or walking away from it, 90% would chose to join. What is it?
A: Gossiping (so we’re not the target of the conversation)
Q: 62% of women say doing this is worse than childbirth.
A: Shopping for bathing suits.
Q: According to a new poll, the #1 thing the “perfect hotel” must have is this.
A: Fast wi-fi
Q: You’ve already beaten these odds today. There’s a 2 in one million chance this will cause your death.
A: Falling out of bed
Q: Most parents say THIS is the worst example we set for our kids.
A: Swearing in front of them
Q: A recent study found that people who play this game live five years longer than those who don’t.
A: Golf
Q: 43% of us say this is the nicest thing someone can say about our home.
A: That it smells good
Q: When asked what food instantly improves our mood, the top answer was this.
A: Tacos!
Q: Three out of four men don’t know when THIS is.
A: Mother’s Day (FYI, this year, it’s May 12th)
Q: 59% of HR professionals say when you go for an interview, you should definitely make sure this is neat and clean.
A: Your fingernails
Q: Amen to this one! 65% of adults say they usually want to do this before noon.
A: Take a nap!
Q: Almost HALF of us say we’ve had to skip an outdoor activity in the last year because of this.
A: Allergies
Q: Research shows that couples with this have closer relationships, are more satisfied in their marriages and respond better to stress.
A: A dog!
Q: I could never do this, but 37% of us do this when brushing our teeth.
A: Use hot water
Q: Interesting! 91% of singles believe they’re more likely to fall in love with someone who has done this, versus someone who hasn’t.
A: Registered to vote!
Q: According to a recent survey, 20% of us say we always think about this while we’re on vacation.
A: Our next vacation!
Q: This is hard to believe, but 4% of us claim they’ve never had one of these.
A: A headache
Q: Americans throw away up to $68 MILLION in THIS every year.
A: Coins
Q: A new study shows that over 40% of Americans don’t know what this important plan is.
A: a 401(k)
Q: Shirts and robes top the list, but 7% of women say they like to borrow this from their man.
A: Their underwear
Q: A recent poll says 4% of Americans buy this every single day.
A: A lottery ticket
Q: I was REALLY surprised this number was so high…14% of married women say this has happened at their wedding.
A: Someone objected to the marriage (after “speak now or forever hold your peace”)
Q: 43% of us say we spend more time avoiding doing this than it does to just get it out of the way.
A: Doing our taxes
Q: It’s definitely true for me…on average, you’ll spend an extra $26 if you do this.
A: Shop while hungry
Q: In this country, we eat enough of these in a year to fill almost 900 Olympic-sized swimming pools.
A: Grilled cheese sandwiches
Q: A whopping 70% of men reported finding a woman more attractive if she was into this.
A: Golfing or watching golf
Q: This is a bit higher than I thought it would be, but 53% of gym-goers say they regularly do this.
A: Wear their gym clothes more than once before washing
Q: When it comes to table manners…60% of people between 12 and 27 say THIS is no longer considered a no-no.
A: Elbows on the table
Q: It’s dangerous, but 13% of dog owners admit they let their dog do this.
A: Sit on their lap while driving
Q: About a quarter of us say we’re embarrassed when this is left open.
A: Their garage door!
Q: 25% of us are wearing this right now…but 8% say they NEVER do.
A: A pair of jeans!
Q: A recent poll found 51% of us consider this to be part of the family.
A: Their vehicle
Q: When it comes to a movie theater experience, 46% of us have done this.
A: Walked out out of a movie before it ended.
Q: Doctors say crayons are the number one thing kids shove up their nose. What’s number two?
A: French fries
Q: Some places don’t allow it, but 77% of us say adults should ALWAYS be able to do this.
A: Order off the kids menu
Q: Chances are if you didn’t outgrow this as a child, it’ll stick with you for life.
A: Having allergies
Q: When asked if you could give up one chore for the rest of your life, this was the number one answer.
A: Cleaning the toilet
Q: This was surprising…when it comes to our next door neighbors, 21% of us don’t know this about them.
A: Their first name
Q: Researchers found that just GLANCING at this actually slows your brain down by over 20%.
A: Your cell phone
Q: For some strange reason, purchases of THIS dropped by a third during the pandemic, but never came back to pre-pandemic numbers like most other items.
A: Chewing gum
Q: This temporary condition tends to get worse in your 30s and keeps getting worse as you age after that.
A: Hangovers!
Q: 36% of us, particularly women, say this is the best solution to an argument.
A: The silent treatment.
Q: 14% of drivers have one right now…but 32% of us say we’ve never had one, and never want one.
A: A vanity license plate
Q: Women are more likely than men to do this while giving bad news.
A: Smile
Q: About one third of us, both male and female, say this is the least attractive body part on our partner.
A: Feet!
Q: People with this trait require about 20% more anesthesia than others because the gene mutation affects pain tolerance
A: Having red hair
Q: The average woman does this 62 times a day, and the average man only does it 8 times a day.
A: Smile!
Q: 72% of parents say they secretly do this when their kids aren’t looking.
A: Playing with their kids’ toys
Q: A new study found men are 5% more likely than women to do this within the first 5 years of marriage.
A: Gain weight / let themselves go
Q: This was surprising to me: this profession logs the greatest number of steps over the course of a year.
A: Police officers
Q: Psychologists found that this is most likely to happen between 6pm and 8pm.
A: Family arguments
Q: 41% of us do this in a public bathroom.
A: Flush with our foot
Q: This is the number one topic of discussion parents try to hide from their kids.
A: How babies are made!
Q: When it comes to work, 3/4 of us wish this happened every day.
A: That we got paid every day.
Q: The average person first picks a favorite type of THIS around age 11 and tends to stick with it forever.
A: Candy!
Q: The average American spends about 1,000 hours a year here.
A: The kitchen
Q: Only 14% of brides do this once they’re married.
A: Keep their last name
Q: 54% of us say the last time we did this at a store was over a year ago.
A: Write a check
Q: 1 in 5 of us only have ONE of these, even though we should have many more than that.
A: Passwords
Q: People say this is the number one thing they wish they could write-off on their taxes.
A: Coffee
Q: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and it’s not always about physical appearance. 40% of people say this is an attractive trait for their partner to have.
A: Having a savings account.
Q: Research has found that children who regularly do this on a daily basis had significantly higher IQ test scores.
A: Eat breakfast
Q: 54% of Gen Z (age 18 – 27) say the stress of doing this has brought them to tears.
A: Doing taxes
Q: 77% of us say this is the number on thing that is never ok during a work zoom or video call.
A: Having the TV on
Q: Across the globe, 14% of us say we’re addicted to this.
A: Ice cream
Q: A recent study shows Americans purchase 2 billion of these each year, and not a single one will be recycled.
A: Disposable razors
Q: In your lifetime, you’ll spend about 6 months waiting for this.
A: A green light!
Q: Of people aged 25 to 40, 35% of them admit they do this at night, but 33% of them also say it could be a deal breaker if their partner did it.
A: Eat in bed
Q: One in five of us will do this for Valentine’s Day.
A: Buy ourselves a gift
Q: Only 15% of American companies offer this benefit, and 80% of their employees love it.
A: Pet insurance
Q: A national survey shows that the average adult hasn’t done this outdoor activity in over nine years.
A: Ride a bike
Q: About 11% of us say we’ve sustained an injury doing this common thing.
A: Taking a selfie
Q: A new poll says 68% employees PREFER to do this on their lunch break.
A: Eat at their desk.
Q: Over 25% of Americans do this at least once every year, making it a $4 billion business.
A: Go bowling
Q: 64 percent of Americans admit to doing this right after taking off for vacation.
A: Call in sick
Q: There are 1.13 BILLION of these, but only 200 million are actually active.
A: Websites
Q: In a recent poll, 65% of us say one of these will ruin an entire day.
A: A bad night’s sleep
Q: 1 in 7 people have requested THIS at a drive-thru, what is it?
A: A treat for their dog
Q: A new study reveals the average person stops doing this at age 33.
A: Have birthday parties
Q: The average American has 3 of these, even though you only need one.
A: Pillows
Q: In 2022 The United States used these almost 3-times more than any other country.
A: QR Codes
Q: In 2023, online searches for THIS reached an all-time high.
A: Sleep
Q: On average, the oldest item you’ll find in someone’s fridge is Salad Dressing. What’s #2?
A: Baking soda
Q: A recent survey asked people what was the oldest item they used on a daily basis. What was #3?
A: A watch
Q: Since 2019, this hobby has grown in the US by 16%.
A: Birdwatching
Q: Despite major advances in the industry, there are still over 800,000 of these in use in this country right now.
A: Pagers
Q: Over a third of us (34%) say it’s easier to improve our relationships or careers than it is to improve this.
A: Our diet
Q: We’re almost twice as likely to do this on a Friday than any other day of the week.
A: Have dessert
Q: It could save a couple bucks in the long run, but less than 10% of us still do this.
A: Hang clothes out to dry
Q: Almost half of us say wearing this instantly makes you look more attractive.
A: Sunglasses
Q: Bloomberg reports sales of THIS are up 23% when compared to pre-pandemic levels in 2019.
A: Over-the-counter cough & cold medicine
Q: Las Vegas is expecting a record number of THESE on New Years Eve. What is it?
A: Weddings, because of the specialty date 12/31/23 (1-2-3-1-2-3)
Q: This happens to 10% of all holiday gifts. What is it?
A: They’re returned
Q: 77% of Americans no longer buy THIS as part of their Christmas decorations. What is it?
A: A real Christmas tree
Q: During 2023, Grub Hub says THIS individual item had the largest increase at 89%.
A: A pickle
Q: Almost 70% of us say we’ve never done this holiday activity.
A: Gone caroling
Q: Chances are you’ll spend more money while shopping if you do THIS first
A: Have coffee
Q: I don’t know how they do it but 6% of people in a recent poll say they do THIS multiple times a day.
A: Nap!
Q: Most women say they can get this done in less than 10 minutes.
A: Their makeup
Q: 13% of adults say they always use this when watching TV.
A: Closed captioning