Led Zeppelin Goes to Trial Over Stairway to Heaven


The famous rock band Led Zeppelin is being accused of stealing the opening guitar part to their famous song “Stairway to Heaven” by the band Spirit.  The song “Taurus” by Spirit has a similar sounding acoustic guitar in it that the band claims Led Zeppelin stole.  Jimmy Page and Robert Plant appeared in court this week to claim they had no knowledge of the song “Taurus” as well as state that they didn’t even really know the band that well.  Jimmy Page seemed calm and funny on the stand and according to Rolling Stone, “Wearing a wry smile, he played air drums on the stand during the playing of a live take of Zeppelin’s “Fresh-Garbage” cover, at one point winking at Plant; as Klausner called for a break mid-trial, Page even busted out a spontaneous boogie move.”
Can you hear any similiarities?